Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I just realized I have left all my friends in the blogging world high and dry.  My last post was about me realizing that I need more time with the Lord.  God is very ..... I don't have words.  Whatever word I would find would be positive but words fail in describing the greatness of God most times.  The day after posted Honesty I received an email asking me to speak to a group of young moms (MOPS) about how much time in the word a woman in leadership needs in order to lead effectively.  REALLY!?  I thought why in the world would the Lord send someone to ask me that when I am struggling with that very thing.  Then I realized the answer was simple. 

There is not a recipe for your commitment level.  I would never tell a woman to read her bible three times per day and pray to the west at high noon laying flat on the floor before the Lord and then you can effectively minister to others.  Far from it!  I would and did encourage the woman and myself to keep a steady flow of in pour as you pour out.  Does that make sense?  I used the illustration of three jars.  One of those jars is you, the other is family, friends and people you serve in ministry, then the final jar is Christ.  I filled the Christ jar and the you jar up with water.  Then I discussed everyday scenario.  For instance you homeschool, your husband has a hard day at work, your kids need emotional direction and support, your girlfriend calls and her life seems to be crumbling before her eyes, one of the ladies in your church needs help (simple advice) and finally a girl in your neighborhood is struggling with some serious issues and wants to talk to you about it.  By the end of that day your jar should pretty much be empty.  However if you keep a slow steady flow from the cup of Christ your cup will never run out.  We have to understand that His cup will never run empty but ours will.  For mothers with small children or even older children with tons of activities going on it is hard to get time to be in your prayer closest for hours on end.  I encouraged these ladies and myself to sing songs of praise and worship while washing dishes, listen to a sermon on the internet while folding clothes, pray as you go and on the way.  I absolutely believe we need to take purposeful time to spend with the Lord but when we become legalistic about it, it turns from worship and fellowship to duty.  There is no joy in duty.

So I am thankful to the Lord for presenting me with that opportunity and realization.  I need Him consistently but it doesn"t have to look like three hours in the prayer closet while your children are tearing up the whole house outside your door.  Different seasons of live require different and creative ways to maintain a steady flow of Christ into our hearts.

1 comment:

vicky said...

Very good...thank you!