Monday, July 6, 2009


Finally, I have something to say and time to write about it! This weekend we went to Covington Tennessee to visit my husbands family. We had a wonderful time together. It was wonderful to see three generations all together. I'll post pictures at the end so keep reading. Anyway as we were driving down we began to think on family activities from last year. It was at this very same time last year we went to Voddie Bachaham's family camp. So we pulled out the blackberry did a google search and found....they are doing another one! This year it will be in St Louis, last year it was in Corpus Christi, TX. We were so excited to know that we have not missed it. Dates are July 31-Aug3. Click the title to get all the information.

So here is my family camp promotion.....

We loved it! We loved it! We Loved It! Why because there were so many families who understood the importance of family. We as believers are called to change the world by the lives we live. The first step in doing so is our family. Husbands must be strong leaders of their homes. By strong I mean making every effort to lead in the word of God. "Going to Church" should not be the first and only time your family is instructed in the word of God. Fellowship with other believers should support what is already happening in your home. When you serve others your family should serve with you. If your not in that season of life then slow down and work on your family and in due time the Lord will allow to go out and change the world for His glory and His fame!

Family Camp is exactly what it says. We camp as a family. We don't send the kids away to kiddie camp while the adults get a break and others teach the kids. It is our responsibility to train and disciple our own children. Imagine if all believers had that same mindset. Our world would look different...the Hebrew children certainly understood the law. Why did that happen because of this verse right here.....Hear O Israel: The Lord our God the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command to you shall be unpon your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:4-7. Let's be found teaching our families the way of the Lord...not handing that great job to someone else.

Go to family camp 2009 and learn how to do this yourself!

Najee' teaching Nicollus to pose like the kids in WalMart magazines.

Nicollus doing his Walmart pose!

Three generations of Fletcher men! Phillip Nicollus, Phillip Demond, and Phillip Lee Fletcher

Attempt number 1!

Attempt number 2!

Nicolle and Phil finally getting our photo together!

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