Monday, April 13, 2009

Finally the actual Confession

Okay so it has been several weeks now that the Lord revealed this to me. I still feel compelled to share it with you. I was working on a praise dance to this song called "YES". It basically ask the question will you say yes to the Lord even when He reveals what His will is for you. Are willing to give to the Lord when He is requiring more than you think you can give? At that same time I had a conversation with a sister in Montgomery who is laboring in similiar ways as we are. There is one very distinct difference...this woman and her family live in the community where God has called them to serve.

And there my friends is my confession. My husband mentioned to me over a year ago about moving our family into the Oakwood mobile home park (the place we serve). When he asked I said NO, when others asked I have said NO. But if God asked would I still say NO? That was the question I was faced with. It became very clear to me that I was holding apart of myself from the Lord. Yes I am willing to go and serve the Lord any and everywhere, but to make those places my home uh NO! There I said it! The filth in my heart revealed and on the table for all to see! Truth be told, it doesn't even matter that you can see. What matters is God saw and because of His love and compassion for me He showed me my heart. People understand this is DEEP!

So you ask where I am today? I have no desire to move to Oakwood. I desire to love and serve the people that live there and point them to Christ. As far as the requirements of the Lord. If He wants us there we will be there. Just as He was gracious to reveal my heart He can change it too!


Unknown said...


I am in a state of wrestling right now too. I am also willing to do whatever the Lord wants, but I don't want to just say yes with my actions. I want to be there in my heart as well. I will be praying for your heart...pray for mine as well. I love you, my friend. :)

These Three Kings said...

okay..why am I in tears?? I guess because you are right where the LORD wants you..honesty and confession..this is the beginning friend of a life you have never dreamed of.. I cant wait to see what the LORD does in your heart..I am most DEF. praying for you.. I know WHATS IT LIKE TO BE WHERE YOU ARE
WE MUST catch up soon

Steven O. said...

You know how many of us wouldn't hesitate to say yes if the Lord said to move to let' say Africa or Nepal? Where there are run down slums etc. yet because it is overseas it becomes a "mission" from God!
I say all this not to be critical!!!! I say it to say it is hard to do what God calls us to do when it shows our pride. I am with you on this. I love the people at Oakwood, but could I live there? I will be honest and say it would have to be the Lord also.
We are in the army of God as Phil and you know living conditions aside we have a mission and we need to be ready to roll when God says go.
If the Lord is in it He will make good things happen. The people will be more likely to hear the message if the one's presenting the message actually live amongst them.
Nothing is permanent! Remember as in the military you serve your time in a place then it is time to roll out again.