Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Time

Just wanted to write about how we are thoroughly enjoying the summer. We go to the gym, hang out with friends, clean house, clean yard (well not yet), swim, serve and minister....it's totally awesome!

I have to say this would not be such a wonderful summer if I were still nursing! Why you ask? This is why....
We can fold three loads of laundry, put them away, unload the dishwasher and reload it, sweep the kitchen floor, wipe the table and counters, vacuum the floors and clean a bathroom in 30 to 45 minutes all by working together! I love it! I am not sure what took me so long to see I have help in the house all the time!

Just a word of encouragement ladies.............

EMPLOY YOUR CHILDREN TO WORK ALONGSIDE YOU! You will both benefit greatly in the long run. Don't make the mistake of thinking, "I could do it better by myself." In the end you and the kids will suffer from not being able to spend much time together..... because you have to do it all. Hint hint...you can't do it ALL! Let me rephrase that.... you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. In Christ, strength is wisdom and for home maintenance wisdom would say allow your children to help!


Autumn said...

Thanks Nicolle! I needed these words today!

These Three Kings said...

looooove it!! those are WISE words right there! Thank you LORD

Hope you are doing well