Monday, December 28, 2009


I was reminded by a brother in Christ (Matthew Schnarr from Mission Year in Atlanta)that growth doesn't only take place above the surface. Here is a quote from Matt's newletter. "I get discouraged when I feel like I am not growing. ...growth doesn't always occur above ground; growth isn't always seen right away. The experiences and hardships that come this year allow my roots to grow deep."

As believers we tend to measure growth by what we see above the surface. However, in that process we neglect to see how much transformation and growth is taking place beneath the surface.

When you plant a seed in the ground it actually grows beneath the surface before it sprouts above the ground.

I have felt much like Matt, however I now realize that is because of the growth beneath the surface. God is establishing me in many areas so that when the winds and the storms come I will be deeply rooted in Him.

I encourage you to seek the Lord for deep roots, not just a pretty flower.

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