Friday, August 15, 2008

A Call for Moms to PRAY!

I am sure by this point in your life you have heard of the book Power of a Praying Wife, by Stormie O’Martin. She has gone on to write Power of a Praying Mother, Parent, Woman, Man, Husband and almost every aspect you can think of. The principle is the same. We must take time to pray for the ones we love and care for the most. Scripture even tells us to pray for our enemies…Stormie O’Martin hasn’t written that book yet.
This school year 2008-2009 I am excited to lead a prayer group for my children’s school Marguerite Vann Elementary in Conway Arkansas. The prayer group is called Moms in Touch International. This is an international organization of women (moms in particular) who meet on a weekly basis for one hour to pray about their children and schools. The vision of Moms in Touch is that every school in the world would be covered with prayer. What an awesome vision.
Moms in Touch International (MITi) teaches moms how to pray scripture over their children and the school. When the group prays they concentrate on one subject at a time. MITi uses four steps of prayer Praise, Confession, Thanksgiving, & Intercession. We use scripture to guide us through prayer and praise concerning a specific attribute of God. I greatly enjoy this process, because in praise we are able to see what God’s word says about Himself. It builds our confidence in Him as one who we can take our burdens and cares to because He can handle them. Confession is important! Confessed sin literally crushes the power of sin in the life of the believer. So, we give thanks to God who has forgiven our sins. We take this time to thank Him for prayers answered. Remember, answered prayers help us to understand that the Lord does hear our cries. Now that we have identified who God is, confessed our sin and drawn closer to the Lord with thanksgiving, we are able to make intercession for the lives of our children and their teachers/staff.
What should I pray for my children?
v Pray for their relationship with Christ
That they Know, Honor, Love, & Worship Christ
v Pray for godly attributes
Respect authority, love others, hate sin, are self controlled, exhibit fruit of the Spirit
v Pray for relationships with family
Honor their Mother and Father, are kind towards siblings, accept discipline and are obedient
v Pray for relationships with friends
That they would choose godly friends, be a witness to the lost within their peer group, stand firm in their faith convictions and withstand peer pressure, and befriend the lonely
v Pray for protection
From Satan, sin, drugs, victimization, in purity, physical danger
v Pray for the future
The kind of person they will be as adults, for wisdom, career paths, and that they would use their abilities for Glorify Christ in every way!

Mom, if not you then who will pray for the hearts and lives of your children? If you are interested in finding a local MITi group near you visit Let’s commit the lives of our children to their Creator. Your children are gifts on loan to you by God, be a good steward of their heart, mind, body, and soul. Give them to the LORD in prayer!

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